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Introduction to Agroclimatology in FEWS NET Monitoring

Introduction to Agroclimatology in FEWS NET Monitoring

  • Estimated Duration:45 minutes
  • Skill Level:Intermediate

FEWS NET relies extensively on agroclimatology data for its food security analysis. Key variables such as rainfall, snowfall, and sea and land surface temperatures significantly impact the capacity of both small and large-scale farmers worldwide to cultivate crops, raise livestock, fish, and forage for food.

When detailed climate mode data is unavailable, especially several months before a season begins, climatology becomes crucial. Three to nine months ahead of the season, we can assess the current climate modes and examine the connections between surface temperature and rainfall.

After completing this module, you will be able to:
  • Describe the timing of the agroclimatological monitoring cycle
  • Outline the agroclimatology products and tools that regional scientists use

    This module is presented by:

    • Jim Rowland, Principal Investigator, USGS, EROS Center
    • Greg Husak, Principal Investigator, UCSB/Climate Hazards Center
    Self enrollment (Participant)
    Self enrollment (Participant)