
    FEWS NET Learning Platform

    The FEWS NET Learning Platform provides a central place to find learning resources and content related to the activities of FEWS NET.


    Suggested Content

    Popular modules are shown below. You can view a listing of all modules available by clicking the All Modules link above.

    Note: You must be logged in take a module so your progress can be saved.

    View all modules

    Get Started

    Create a new account or log in

    Please create an account or log in using your FEWS.NET or USAID.gov accounts.

    If you do not have either, and this is your first time here, please select the "Create a new account or log in" button, complete the request form, and look for an email in your inbox. 

    You will use these credentials for all future access. 

    Related FEWS NET Resources

    Other valuable resources outside of the FEWS NET Learning Platform are shown below.


    View a list of terminology used by FEWS NET in the Glossary.

    Data Explorer KB

    To learn more about using the FEWS NET Data Explorer, visit the Knowledge Base.

    Internal FEWS NET Exchange

    Members of FEWS NET can visit the Exchange Intranet for more resources.